Dr. Nicolaas van As, Family Practice

T: 519 813 9196
F: 519 491 5272  

Urgent or After Hours Care

There are times when our office cannot accommodate a same day appointment. We also cannot accommodate any Cold / Flu issues.  You have various options depending on your needs.

Is your problem Emergent / Urgent?

Go to your nearest emergency room

Is your problem acute?

Call the office to see if we can see you. If not, Please visit one of the clinics listed below. 

  • Rapids Family Health Team Access to Care Centre

    • The Access to Care Centre is a Nurse Practitioner led clinic acute issues (ie. ear ache, UTI, non-chronic pain, et cetera) for patients when our office is unavailable to accommodate an urgent appointment or our office is closed.

    • Telephone the clinic to speak with one of their nursing staff to be triaged and, if applicable, have an appointment set with the Nurse Practitioner.

    • Your visit notes are sent to our office for Dr. van As to review and follow up on as necessary.

    • Call 519-491-6188 or visit Access to Care Centre for more information

  • Sarnia Physicians FHO After Hours Clinic

    • An after hours clinic staffed by local physicians in our community

    • Open Monday through Friday from 5:00pm until 8:00pm

    • To book a daytime appointment call 519-491-6188 

    • Walk In available after 5 pm